Ignorare comenzi Panglică
Salt la conținutul principal
Certificat ISO 9001:2015

About us

Romanian Naval Authority is the specialized central authority under the Ministry of Transport, in the field of navigation safety and ship security.

Romanian Naval Authority is a public institution with legal personality, financed entirely from its own revenues, based in Constanta Port Enclosure, established by merging the Civil Navigation Inspectorate and the Romanian Register of Shipping. As a result of the merger, RNA took over the rights and obligations of both corporate bodies, which consequently were dissolved.

Main tasks of the Romanian Naval Authority have been defined as follows:
• performs navigational surveillance and ship traffic management in the national waterways and in Romanian ports;
• fulfils the obligations assumed from the international agreements and conventions to which Romania is part of;
• represents the Romanian Government within the international organizations in the field of naval transports;
• implements the international rules, regulations and conventions into Romanian legislation;
• works for the development, endorsement and submission of draft laws and mandatory norms to the Ministry of Transports for approval;
• Performs Port State Control and Flag State Control Activities; 
• coordinates search and rescue activities in the Romanian navigable waters and actions to be taken in case of navigation accidents and casualties;
• ensures protection of navigable waters against pollution by vessels;
• Is empowered for:
• sanctioning of the contraventions and investigation of the navigation accidents and casualties;
• ships' registration;
• registration, endorsing and certification of Romanian seafarers;
• certifies and monitors compliance of ships flying the Romanian flag and equipment with national technical norms and with the provisions of the international
   conventions to which Romania si a party
•  supervises the compliance of the Romanian naval transports with the provisions of the ISM Code and ISPS Code.

Romanian Naval Authority carries out its duties through its own apparatus, through the harbour masters and through the technical inspectorates, which are its operational territorial units without legal personality. The jurisdiction areas of the operative subsidiaries has been settled by the Director General and approved by RNA's Managing Board.

The management of Romanian Naval Authority is ensured by the Managing Board, consisting of 7 members leaded by a President, whom is also the RNA's Director General.

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